The Fibaro Flood sensor has two build in sensors – a flood and a temperature sensor.

The device can be powered by battery (up to 2.5 years) or powered by 12/24V power supply. Even an external sensor can be connected to the internal terminal connectors. The external sensor is not standard delivered with the product, but has to be ordered elsewhere.

The temperature sensor will update every 5 minutes (300 seconds) in default settings, but can be changed to a value in the range 1 and 65535 seconds. In the devicevalue itself the temperature is visible with 2 decimals (23,01 = “23 C”).

Inclusion in Homeseer is as easy a we expected with Z-Wave devices:

Add Node started…
Activate the ‘Add to Network’ (Send NodeInfo) function on the node…
A new node has been found and is being added…
Adding a new SLAVE NODE…
DONE – Add Node Operation is Complete.
Done. Node 11 Added.
Reloading (importing) node information…
Synchronizing node information with HomeSeer and creating new device(s) as necessary…
Synchronize nodes finished. Number of device nodes to be created/added = 1
Z-Wave manufacturer information for node 11, ID: 271=10FH (Fibaro), Type: 2816=B00H, ID: 4097=1001H
Node 11 is Z-Wave version: Lib: 3,67 App: 2525
All associations for node 11 have been retrieved successfully, it supports associations on these groups: 2, 3.
Alarm Sensor Node 11 Supports 2 Alarm Types: GENERAL_PURPOSE_ALARM WATER_LEAK_ALARM
Root Node Device Node 11 Z-Wave Fibaro Sensor Alarm Node 11 was created for node 11 on network FE0B7E6C
Enabling instant status for Z-Wave device Node 11 Z-Wave Fibaro Sensor Alarm Node 11 (11) on Group 2
Enabling instant status for Z-Wave device Node 11 Z-Wave Fibaro Sensor Alarm Node 11 Root (11) on Group 3
Programming device Node 11 Z-Wave Fibaro Sensor Alarm Node 11 Root (11) to send wake-up notifications to HomeSeer.
5 out of 5 Child devices of node 11 were created successfully.

The devices that are created in Homeseer:

HS3 Floodsensor